Redesigning the Internet 


an organization or individual
an initialtive, protocol or tool

  1. Decolonising the internet: Whose knowledge is it?
  2. Whose Knowledge? 
  3. Decolonizing Data: Unsettling Conversations about Social Research Methods

  4. Decolonizing Digital: Empowering Indigeneity Through Data Sovereignty
  5. Decolonizing the digital landscape: the role of technology in Indigenous language revitalization

  6. Prolegomenon to the Decolonization of Internet Governance

  7. Beatrice Martini
  8. Tabita Rezaire
  9. SaveTheInternet.
  10. Beyond Net Neutrality:
    Free Basics and the Internet’s Political Battles

  11. Miao Ying
  14. Center for the Cultivation of Technology
  15. Open Knowledge Foundation 
  16. Open Archive
  17. Secure UX Curriculum
  18. Caroline Sinders
  20. A plan to redesign the internet could make apps that no one controls
  21. Finding ctrl: visions for the future internet
  22. What is Decentralized Storytelling?
  23. Co-Creation Studio
  24. Collective Wisdom: Co-Creating Media for Equity and Justice
  25. World-Wide Wandering Web
  26. Project Liberty
  27. Gitcoin
  28. Welcome to Web3
  29. Stuck on the Platform
  30. Internet for the People: The Fight for Our Digital Future
  31. tiny internets
  32. Local-first software: You own your data, in spite of the cloud
  33. Noosphere
  34. IPFS
  36. Filecoin Foundation for the Decentralized Web
  37. Starling Lab
  38. Hypha Woker Co-operative
  39. Olia Lialina
  40. Turing Complete User – Resisting Alienation in Human Computer Interaction
  41. The Weizenbaum Institute for Networked Society 
  42. A modern wiki for a modern internet: the Smallest Federated Wiki on The GovLab’s Demos for Democracy
  43. The Garden and the Stream: A Technopastoral
  44. Open Educational Resources (OER)
  45. Internet Dream, 1994, Nam June Paik
  46. After the Internet

Redesigning the Internet


an organization or individual
an initialtive, protocol or tool

  1. The Garden and the Stream: A Technopastoral
  2. Decolonising the internet: Whose knowledge is it?
  3. Whose Knowledge?
  4. Decolonizing Data: Unsettling Conversations about Social Research Methods

  5. Decolonizing Digital: Empowering Indigeneity Through Data Sovereignty
  6. Decolonizing the digital landscape: the role of technology in Indigenous language revitalization
  7. Prolegomenon to the Decolonization of Internet Governance

  8. Beatrice Martini
  9. Tabita Rezaire
  10. SaveTheInternet.
  11. Beyond Net Neutrality:
    Free Basics and the Internet’s Political Battles

  12. Miao Ying
  15. Center for the Cultivation of Technology
  16. Open Knowledge Foundation
  17. Open Archive
  18. Secure UX Curriculum
  19. Caroline Sinders
  21. A plan to redesign the internet could make apps that no one controls
  22. Finding ctrl: visions for the future internet
  23. What is Decentralized Storytelling?
  24. Co-Creation Studio
  25. Collective Wisdom: Co-Creating Media for Equity and Justice
  26. World-Wide Wandering Web
  27. Project Liberty
  28. Gitcoin
  29. Welcome to Web3
  30. Stuck on the Platform
  31. Internet for the People: The Fight for Our Digital Future
  32. tiny internets
  33. Local-first software: You own your data, in spite of the cloud
  34. Noosphere
  35. IPFS
  37. Filecoin Foundation for the Decentralized Web
  38. Starling Lab
  39. Hypha Woker Co-operative
  40. Olia Lialina
  41. Turing Complete User – Resisting Alienation in Human Computer Interaction
  42. The Weizenbaum Institute for Networked Society
  43. A modern wiki for a modern internet: the Smallest Federated Wiki on The GovLab’s Demos for Democracy

decentralized knowledge, open source, and internet decolonization

Olia Lialina

Around 2010, the field of human-computer interaction and the IT industry at large started to invest in reforming their terminology: banning some words and reversing the meanings of others to camouflage the widening gap between users and developers, to smooth the transition from personal computers to “dumb terminals”, from servers to “buckets”, from double-clicking to saying “OK, Google”.
Computer users also learnt to talk, loud and clear, to be understood by Siri, Alexa, Google Glass, HoloLens, and other products that perform both listening and answering. Maybe it is exactly this amalgamation of input and output into a “conversation” that defines the past decade, and it will be the core of HCI research in the years to come. Who is scripting the conversations with these invisible ears and mouths? How can users control their lines?
When hardware and software dissolve into anthropomorphic forms and formless “experiences”, words stop being mere names and metaphors. They do not only appeal to the imagination and give shape to invisible products. Words themselves become interfaces – and every change in vocabulary matters.

Olia Lialina, Turing Complete User – Resisting Alienation in Human Computer Interaction, the first volume of our Interface Critique book series

The Interface Critique book series is edited by Florian Hadler and Daniel Irrgang.
ISBN 978-3-98501-071-4 (PDF)
ISBN 978-3-98501-072-1